
Saturday, February 28, 2009

Resistance is Lonely and Futile

I don't know about you, but sometimes it feels like I'm the only one who cares that we're all just sailing right into tyrany like we're on some kind of Disneyland ride or going to a concert with front row tickets. Well, I am posting the below video to try to help me and/or you, put it all into perspective. We are not alone. It just appears to be that way because all channels of communication, (the media), have done an excellent job at making it appear as though there is nothing to be alarmed about. . . nothing to resist. . . nothing to be "up in arms" about.

However, the real story is, we are NOT alone in our felt need to be up in arms. The Federal government's evaluation of overall firearms and ammunition purchases over the last 3 months are off the charts. These numbers are only PART of the overall numbers of arms and ammunition that have been sold. The actual numbers are much higher.

How many firearms were sold in the USA in the last 100 days? How about the numbers for the entire year of 2008?

The answers to those questions are important because they reflect the growing number of people who have lost their confidence in "the system", so much so, that they are spending their hard-earned cash on firearms.

We KNOW how important the answers to these questions are by how hard the press is trying to hide the answers to these questions. It is BIG news that firearms sales are at RECORD LEVELS, and yet, according to the press, this is not news. They don't even report this.

Fed Purchase confirmation numbers for the last 3 months, ie; Nov 08, Dec 08, and Jan 09:

  • Nov 2008: 1,529,635
  • Dec 08: 1,523,426
  • Jan 09: 1,213,885

Overall sales for the year 2008 were the largest ever recorded by the Fed system.

Totals from Jan 1, 2008 through to Dec 13, 2008: . . . . . 12,709,023.

Not only that, but many of these sales were multi-purchase sales...more than one firearm purchased at the same time.

Another way to look at this is to ask, what is the active force strength of China, the largest military on the planet? Answer, the active forces of China are 1,700,000 plus. Number 2 is India with 1,200,000 plus.


Every 30 days for the last 3 full months the people of the United States have bought enough guns to outfit China or India 100%.

So, WHY IS IT that we feel so "alone" in this, and that we always feel that no one knows what's going on?

We also keep hearing that there is an ammo shortage. Perhaps this is why. In December of 2008, more than 1,529,635,000 rounds were sold; (thats "billion"). So, yeah, of course there's a shortage of ammo...at the store. But that's only because it is now in our homes.

Militia Killing the "YOU'RE ALL ALONE" Myth

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