
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

NOW They're After Your Garden!

I am forwarding this email I just recieved this morning. I verified all the links and this story is true. In short, if this new bill passes, it will eventually outlaw all farming other than those 'sanctioned' by the feds...including your own backyard garden or farm. This is obviously the establishment's way of trying to put a stop to any self-reliance that will be necessary during the coming financial meltdown. This bill is criminal. It is akin to tying everyone's hands and feet and throwing them in a river! Ron Paul is right; these people need to be criminally charged.

Subject: [AbundantHarvestAV] House and Senate bills to kill all organic


Subject: House and Senate bills to kill all organic farms (FAST track bills in 2 weeks)

Food Safety Modernization Act (HR 875): Criminalization of Organic Farms

Bills are:
House H.R. 875


Senate S 425


There is an enormous rush to get this into law within the next 2 weeks before people realize what is happening up on Capital Hill.

The 'main' backer and lobbyist is...(guess who?) Monsanto!

Don't know who Monsanto is?

Need more info??

The World According to Mansanto Movie (DVD Quality)

Just Google the company and the news swirling around them.

The few multi-million dollar companies in the farming industry would like nothing better than to eliminate any opposition with the support of the federal government.

The Bills will require organic farms to use specific fertilizers and poisonous sprays. All farms and growers will be instructed and regulated by the newly formed agency to 'make sure there is no danger to the general public and the appending food supply.' The attempt is to 'standardize' the agricultural industry.

At first this may appear as if it is only directed at commercial farms but don't be fooled. This WILL include backyard gardens that grow food for consumption by a single family and not intended for resale. Most prior Bills that started off with such intent are later expanded in their scope and become more restricted in nature.

THIS IS DICTATORSHIP any way you look at it.

If this passes then NO more heirloom clean seeds but only Monsanto genetically altered seeds that are now showing up with unexpected diseases in humans.

There is a video on the subject. Please educate your family & friends.


The name on this evil food plan is the... Food Safety Modernization Act of 2009
(Really makes it sound like the feds are trying protect us!)

Let me be crystal clear here...... This has NOTHING to do with food safety.
This is only about TOTAL CONTROL by the federal gov't in our lives.

Get on that phone Monday and burn up the wires. Get anyone else you can to do the same thing. Otherwise, lets see what will become of your garden and those around you.

Video Playlist: Food That Kills

Monday, March 9, 2009

My Mom and Dad to Experience Terrorism Drills This Week

I wonder if they know?

Chandler, Arizona Article Here

These drills will go on all this week it looks like. These "drills" have been going on nation-wide since the late 90s. They are training to take our guns, just like they did in New Orleans after Katrina. These "drills" are on the increase. BTW, there was a nationwide "drill" going on of a mock attack on the World Trade Center on 911. Wow, what a coincidence! See, The amazing coincidence of a plane into building exercise being conducted before and on 911.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Alex Jones: Avian Flu Scare

Well I found the video for what I posted yesterday and put it into this playlist. It is a 9-part playlist and will play automatically once you start it. The first clip is audio, and the rest is video. There is strong evidence here that what I once thought was just a story to panic the public, (Bird Flu), is in fact an actual mechanism to cull the masses, with the added "benefit" of bringing in severe martial law.

Some of the scariest information on this is in videos #6 through #9 of this playlist, from Dr. Rebecca Carley. She has unquestionable evidence that this Avian flu is being readied for release on the public with massive tragic results. Take your vitamin C, lots of it. And by all means, quit taking vaccines and quit giving them to your kids.

More on Flu Shots... Vaccinations
Vicious Vaccines; -Donald W. Miller, Jr., MD 09/11/2008

Lew Rockwell interviews Donald W. Miller, Jr., MD
Running time: 15:20
Download MP3
Thanks Eric!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Alex Jones Predicts Today

Today Alex Jones was freeeeaking out about his latest prediction which he compares to his prediction of 911 two months before it happened. Due to my lack of time today, I can't edit and upload the audio yet, but I will as soon as I can. I just had to get this on my blog the same day of his prediction. Somebody may have already loaded it on Youtube if you're inclined to look; just type in Alex Jones 03/05/2009 on the Youtube search box and see what comes up.

The jist of his prediction is, there will be a biological false-flag terror attack very soon. He was not specific on dates, but he was freeeeaking out about it enough to be up all night sweating as he put the pieces of the "puzzle" together. Evidently there were a string of news reports yesterday all over the world (except for the United States of course), that AJ says he was able to prognosticate this latest of his "fear mongering". If you don't trust Alex Jones, you're 'lucky'. I happen to trust him very much. Needless to say, this prediction of his has me very nervous.

This was spooky folks. AJ was not "guessing", or saying "there's a chance". He said, "I am 100% sure that there will soon be a biological attack. First, a localized small area, perhaps 100,000 dead or so, and then, a pandemic." That's what he said. He is really sticking his neck out on this one.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Overview of the New World Order

Do you need a generalized and yet informative understanding of the New World Order? Then this is a very good video playlist to get the history of the conspiracy from one of the subject's foremost experts...G. Edward Griffin. He's been at it a long time and he does know what he's talking about. He has been reporting on this NWO monster for decades and those who previously thought of him as a crackpot are now considering him one of the worlds best investigative reporters on the subject. He is also the author of "The Creature from Jekyll Island", all about the Federal Reserve System. I still have not read it, but I've heard so much of the material that is in it, I feel like I have.

This playlist will play 6 videos automatically.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Resistance is Lonely and Futile

I don't know about you, but sometimes it feels like I'm the only one who cares that we're all just sailing right into tyrany like we're on some kind of Disneyland ride or going to a concert with front row tickets. Well, I am posting the below video to try to help me and/or you, put it all into perspective. We are not alone. It just appears to be that way because all channels of communication, (the media), have done an excellent job at making it appear as though there is nothing to be alarmed about. . . nothing to resist. . . nothing to be "up in arms" about.

However, the real story is, we are NOT alone in our felt need to be up in arms. The Federal government's evaluation of overall firearms and ammunition purchases over the last 3 months are off the charts. These numbers are only PART of the overall numbers of arms and ammunition that have been sold. The actual numbers are much higher.

How many firearms were sold in the USA in the last 100 days? How about the numbers for the entire year of 2008?

The answers to those questions are important because they reflect the growing number of people who have lost their confidence in "the system", so much so, that they are spending their hard-earned cash on firearms.

We KNOW how important the answers to these questions are by how hard the press is trying to hide the answers to these questions. It is BIG news that firearms sales are at RECORD LEVELS, and yet, according to the press, this is not news. They don't even report this.

Fed Purchase confirmation numbers for the last 3 months, ie; Nov 08, Dec 08, and Jan 09:

  • Nov 2008: 1,529,635
  • Dec 08: 1,523,426
  • Jan 09: 1,213,885

Overall sales for the year 2008 were the largest ever recorded by the Fed system.

Totals from Jan 1, 2008 through to Dec 13, 2008: . . . . . 12,709,023.

Not only that, but many of these sales were multi-purchase sales...more than one firearm purchased at the same time.

Another way to look at this is to ask, what is the active force strength of China, the largest military on the planet? Answer, the active forces of China are 1,700,000 plus. Number 2 is India with 1,200,000 plus.


Every 30 days for the last 3 full months the people of the United States have bought enough guns to outfit China or India 100%.

So, WHY IS IT that we feel so "alone" in this, and that we always feel that no one knows what's going on?

We also keep hearing that there is an ammo shortage. Perhaps this is why. In December of 2008, more than 1,529,635,000 rounds were sold; (thats "billion"). So, yeah, of course there's a shortage of ammo...at the store. But that's only because it is now in our homes.

Militia Killing the "YOU'RE ALL ALONE" Myth

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Final Push For World Government

This vid is very poetic in showing the contrast between government based on the precepts of men, and the government of Jesus Christ. These New World Order builders, rulers, kings, minions, etc... are those who are in rebellion. These are those who are delusional, and as Pharaoh in Egypt are experiencing a hardening of their hearts. Don't worry saint of God. These are those of whom the Lord has promised would serve the Son, and even His bride, the Church.

These are the those that rage, imagine a vain thing, set themselves against and take counsel together against the Lord and against His anointed. Ps 2

These are those of one language, of one speech, who build for themselves, who build to replace heaven, who build to make for themselves, a name. Gen 11

These are those of whom the Lord laughs and has in derision.

These are those of whom the Lord is sorely displeased.

These are those of whom the Lord says to His Son, take them, they're yours. Break them, and dash them into pieces for it is You whom I have set as King. Ps 2 Dan 2

Do you see a Moses or two anywhere in this video? :)

Monday, February 23, 2009

VIDEO: What Every Christian Should Know About The New World Order

4 VIDEOS: What Every Christian Should Know About The New World Order.

By Chuck Baldwin: February 18, 2009

Monday, February 16, 2009

The New World Order Wants Your Soul

This is a re-post from my other blog, as it seems more relevant today than it did just 6 days ago!

By the way, I don't want to keep getting "reviews" on this story from people who refuse to correctly understand the Hegelian Dialectic, and especially its significance within the history of the Southern Baptist Church as outlined below. If you must comment, then you MUST adhere to the 'rules' of this post. Otherwise, you just sound ignorant and you promote lies and misunderstanding, ...what can I say?   This is extremely important to the understanding of what is actually going on. We don't want any debates going on about what is NOT going on. That would be absurd and a huge waste of time.

The only way you'll be able to comment intelligibly on this particular post is to read and understand the following 2 articles, which I have previously posted on WORLD PEACE Part 1.

The first one is "The People's Church".
The second one is "The Hegelian Dialectic & the New World Order".

It is obvious to me, and it has been for at least 3 years now, that this shadowy government that many of us, (like everybody), like to refer to as, the New World Order, has had a keen interest in infiltrating, not only governments, but also, the Church. It has been done.

At first, I thought the Reformed seminaries and churches would be immune to this, but currently, I am seeing a different scenario.

If you chose to participate and read the above 2 articles, please pay close attention to the way the Southern Baptist Churches in those articles have been incrementally manipulated to the manipulator's desired goal. Also, you must please try to understand the Hegalian Dialectic as defined and described in both of the above articles, or at a source of your choice, but you must understand it to fully appreciate what I'm trying to say on this post.

Then, if you still chose to participate, and you believe you understand who all the 'players' are, then please notice that Rick Warren, pastor of Saddleback Church, has been a CFR member for at least 3 years now. His name is on the CFR membership list right here.

Then, if you still chose to participate after that, then please notice here, that Michael Horton has been having conversations for years now with Rick Warren.

I did find that difficult to document online, but if you go to WashingtonPost.com, right here, and then scroll down that page to the "Discussion" section, and then scroll down the Discussion section to the handle name that is colored red called, "Woodland, Calif", and you will find in Michael Horton's answer to Woodland, the statement, "we've had some fruitful conversations over the years", an obvious reference to his relationship with Rick Warren. And please don't confuse this documentation with any of the satire sites online that try to get a rise out of people like me and other Rick Warren bashers. This is the Washington Post.

So, whhhoop-dee-do, right? What's the big deal with that?

Well first let me say, that this is not an attempt to assassinate the character of Michael Horton.

I am simply pointing out that Rick Warren is networking, and in a huge way.

Rick Warren is a documented member of the CFR, an obvious heretic, possibly an apostate with a "statist" agenda, (I believe he is), and he is trying to make inroads to the Westminster Seminary via the likes of Michael Horton. Rick Warren is also obviously hand-picked by handlers to be their "big gun" in throwing the net over all possible Christian influence, world wide. Just look at the status they have been giving him. He has gained more status politically and religiously over the past 10 years, than has any protestant preacher to date. Do you think he did that single-handedly? Do you think being a CFR member has been insignificant in the contribution to his "success"?

CONCLUSION: My point here is to try to get you to see the following:

  1. There is a world-wide, state-sponsored, and state-approved "church".

  2. This "church", is necessary for the assurance of "peace". See the World Peace Summit.

  3. Since it is necessary to comply with this "church" to maintain world peace, to not comply with the beliefs and standards of this "church" will result in you being labeled as someone who is not for peace, but against it. You pick the term that might best define such a person or organization in our current national and global political climate.

  4. This "peace movement", will not stop until we all sign on the dotted line…take the card, take the chip, give up more freedom, join, give our blood, our fingerprint, photo, number, DNA. Until we volunteer, donate, obey, comply, have nothing to hide, agree to stop our 'hate' from the pulpit, and on and on and on.

Do you still want to "submit"?

I thought we wanted separation of Church and state? Well, I'm sorry friend, but the state won't have it any other way. Apparently, neither will most of the Church. They are on our door step, like it or not. Notice any teachings of devils at Westminster lately?

So for those of you who despair of my infatuation with the NWO, I just want you to know that this is one of the biggest reasons why. We have to contend in this battle whether we like it or not. Otherwise, we will watch the Church, our families, and our own freedom of conscience, be swallowed up into an ungodly alliance with the devil.

"We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God."

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Thursday, January 1, 2009

About This New World Order Page

This New World Order page is sort of an extension of the Application page, only is more of a focus on what I percieve is the biggest threat today to the Church, and to all of civilization...the "New World Order". This term and the world it conveys is Satan's counterfeit to the order of God. It is only the order of God and His begotten Son, His annointed King, that can defeat this monster and restore the proper authority within the hearts and minds of men; and that is, Jesus Christ the King of kings and Lord of lords.